The new service, which is limited to handsets in the Nokia N81 and N95 series, will let users try out the games before paying for them. Some 30 games — at a cost of €6 to €10 (US$9-16) each — are currently available, but the number will be increased to 60 during 2008, Nokia said.
Nokia delayed the launch of the new service after its earlier N-Gage games failed to attract customers. However, Nokia said it was encouraged by feedback from "thousands" of people in more than 100 countries who took part in an eight-week pilot.
"Together with the N-Gage community we will keep developing the N-Gage experience further by adding new games and features that take advantage of rapidly evolving mobile technology," said Jaakko Kaidesoja, from Nokia's games division.
Nokia, which last year sold nearly 440 million handsets accounting for 40 percent of all global cell phone sales, is based in Espoo near the Finnish capital. It employs 112,000 people worldwide.
source : http://www.iht.com/
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