Did you think it was bad when you found out that your girlfriend was spending $300 on each pair of jeans that she wears? Do you still argue with her about the fact that she thinks she needs $400 designer brand shoes and $1000 designer name handbags? Well, you can add another accessory to the list of items that you’re going to be footing a fortune for if you ever end up having to support the lady love of your life: the designer name cell phone. From Levi’s to Prada, designer
mobile phones are making their way from the runway to the must-have category of every woman’s life. And you know what the worst part is? You’re probably going to actually like this expensive accessory.
Here are ten of the top designer brand mobile phones interesting consumers today:
1. Prada KE850.
This designer phone has gotten a lot of attention in the fashion world but has gained even more sidelong glances from the tech world. That’s because it is strikingly similar to the oh-so-popular iPhone and it was released around the same time last year. A touch-screen phone put out by LG, it is popular with European fashionistas. It was originally not-too-hot among tech fiends because it offered much the same experience as the iPhone at double the cost but now that prices are down, it’s considered a designer alternative that could work for trendy techies.
2. Levi’s Cell Phones.
The first Levi’s brand cell phone was released last year and tended to fall short of most reviewers’ expectations. Although it looked good, it lacked a lot of the advanced function that you would want from your primary mobile phone. Not to be discouraged, Levi’s is back again with a brand-new phone that seems to be a better alternative than the original. It’s a 3G slider phone that’s being sold in France through Orange and it seems to combine both style and function which is the major goal of a designer brand phone. Levi’s also has a new limited-availability diamond-encrusted designer phone for the rich called Red Tab.
3. Dolce and Gabbana Razr V3i.
If you’re dating a gal that has got to have only the best, then she’s bound to have at least eyed this phone. Considering that only 1,000 of these pricey babies were made and released into boutiques, it’s not too likely that she got her hands on one unless she happens to be Sharon Stone. If you really want to wow her, there are some unlocked versions floating around the market for around $400 each.
4. Georgio Armani Samsung.
This is considered to be the most stylish of the fashion cell phones. It’s also the one that is most suitable for men so if you’re a guy that’s looking to invest some money in a phone with a brand name attached to it, this is probably the phone for you. The drawbacks are that it’s a slow phone which lacks 3G capabilities but other than that it’s a highly functional phone that both genders are in love with.
5. Beyonce Upstage.
Beyonce isn’t a fashion designer but women are always eyeing what she’s wearing on the red carpet so it’s no surprise that they took an interest in the designer phone branded after her. Released late last year, this phone is primarily a music phone put out by Samsung that has some special features such as coming pre-loaded with Beyonce content. Leave this one to the girls!
6. MOTORAZR V6 Ferrari phone.
High-end fashion designers aren’t the only designers who have set mobile phone trends in the past. Car designers also raced to get in on the name brand phone action. Aston Martin and Lamborghini both came out with phones in 2006 but it was the Ferrari phone that really seemed to succeed at marrying style and function in a relatively affordable fashion. Released about a year ago in limited edition format, this phone can be found in the online market today for between $500 and $600. If you can’t have the car, you might as well have the phone.
7. Juicy Couture Sidekick II.This was one of the very first fashion phones to hit the

market back in 2005. It’s a really simple phone in terms of designer branding; it’s just got the Juicy Couture name all over the front screen. However it remains a popular choice in the United States as an affordable designer brand phone selling for between $100 and $200 online.
8. My411C LuluCastagnate Phone.Here is something that’s truly different in the market.

It is a designer phone for kids (primarily girls) created by a French fashion-and-more designer to provide youth with a phone that really stands out. Lulu Castagnette, the artist that designed the phone’s exterior look, is a fashion designer for women and children who has also designed everything from textiles to home accessories. The phone itself is simple but fashion-forward kids don’t really need function so much as looks.
9. Chanel Concept Phone.
The Chancel Choco phone isn’t actually available yet but people are impressed with the technological concept behind this mobile phone design. This super-slim, minimalist cell phone is intended to incorporate fiber optic technology that will reveal your keypad beneath two thin glass sheets. It’s something that’s still being worked on – and it will be expensive when it finally hits the shelves – but it’s something that Coco herself would wear if she was accessorizing in the twenty-first century.
10. Tommy Hilfiger / Ristomatti Ratia phone.
Falling into the category of well-kept secrets is a rumor about a Nokia phone designed in combination by Tommy Hilfiger and Finnish fashion designer Ristomatti Ratia. There is still no official press release about this phone but the rumors have been circulating for a few months and there seem to be regular hints here and there that the phone is indeed in the works. In terms of designer name phones that are producing curiosity, this one tops the list.
source : http://www.dialaphone.co.uk/
1 comment:
I assume all these are for real? :-)
This is a wow moment for me-designer mobile phones.
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