1. Google, the GPhone and Android have been confusing interested parties this week, or rather the source of this article has been. It says simply that the GPhone has been delayed until 2009 – fair enough, but no one was expecting an actual GPhone, rather lots of phones running Android. So, was there a GPhone? Was it Android delayed until 2009? Who knew!
2. Then, as the confusion spread its tentacles around the Internet, everything was cleared up. Google denied any delay in its Android software and phones were still expected to be available before the end of the year, and made no noise about a GPhone at all. So, a completed circle of news and we’re all back where we started.
3. Samsung’s recently revealed L870 slider phone caused a storm when it was reported to come with a browser named Safari. This, as any techy will tell you, is the name of Apple’s web browser which also happens to do a mean job on the iPhone. Two and two were put together and everyone got hot under the collar. A shame then, when it turned out to wrong. The confusion comes from the L870’s S60 operating system also having an unrelated browser named Safari…
4. Do you know people who carry knives? Would you prefer the police to be aware of this? If you answer yes to these two questions and you go to school in Tower Hamlets, then CrimeStoppers UK has the solution. You can send an anonymous text message to alert the authorities and perhaps play an important part in removing dangerous weapons from the street. If successful, the scheme is expected to go nationwide.
5. If food we knew we had in our kitchen went missing each day for a year, we’d probably just go mad in a Twilight Zone sort of way, especially if we lived alone. However, a Japanese man in this very situation set up a camera in his home to identify the grub thief. The camera was linked to his mobile phone and when he saw movement on the screen, he called the police who arrested a homeless woman who had been living in his cupboard! Japan: Cool phone stuff, worryingly unobservant people.
6. A six month study of 100,000 people’s everyday movements, completed by using information gained via mobile phone usage and cell-towers, has revealed most people go to the same few places each day, and rarely travel outside of 10km from their homes. Thanks for that.
7. Pockets bulging with gadgets are not an attractive sight, but then neither is this solution to the problem! However, if you’re a gadget fan who has a penchant for John Bender’s style in The Breakfast Club, this could be the product you’ve been waiting your entire life for.
8. Gold phones are nothing new, but while the gaudiness seems to suit phones like the Prada and iPhone, why do it to one of the more understated phones on the market like the Nokia 6300?
9. Most interesting new phone on the block not covered in gold (thankfully) this week was the oddly named Samsung Soulb. That’s right, it’s a superscript ‘b’ and probably supposed to be pronounced separately, but that’s unlikely to stop people calling it the ‘soulb’. Anyway, it’s a great looking candybar handset with 3G, HSDPA and a 3 megapixel camera.
10. Finally, watch-phones are nothing new, but a watch-phone, image at the top of the post, which people would consider actually strapping to their wrists is! This Finnish designed WearPhone can apparently even send SMS messages, but it’s not clear how!
source : http://www.dialaphone.co.uk/
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